Illinois Custody and Support Modification Lawyer
After a divorce decree or order in a parentage case has been issued, circumstances may change, causing one party to seek modification of the original child support, child custody or maintenance (spousal support) order. These circumstances are varied, but may include:
- Change in employment or income
- Change in health
- Remarriage
- Relocation
Child and support issues in a divorce decree and parentage order are reviewable and modifiable. Where circumstances have changed such that the original basis for the order no longer holds true, we will advocate for modifications that more accurately reflect the life you live now . Conversely, if your former spouse or the other parent is seeking a modification to a custody or support order that is not warranted, we will vigorously fight against it to protect your best interests.
Contact The Law Offices of Jennifer A. Pritz at 708-459-8234 for dedicated, responsive legal representation with your child custody, child support or spousal support modification issue. Your initial consultation is free.
Why Seek Modification?
It’s a fact of life: Lives change, people change, incomes change and circumstances change. When the conditions set by a divorce decree or support order no longer represent the lives of those it affects, modification may be an option worth exploring.
Some of the most common reasons individuals seek modifications to child support, spousal support, child custody and divorce stipulations are as follows:
- Employment. When an individual gets a job, loses a job or changes jobs, his or her income level may change significantly. This could greatly affect his or her parenting schedule, as well as his or her ability to pay child support or maintenance.
- Remarriage. When a former spouse or the other parent remarries, his or her living situation changes. This can affect custody, parenting time and maintenance.
- Health conditions.If an ex-spouse has a sudden change in his or her health situation, his or her corresponding economic situation may change drastically, affecting his or her ability to provide child or spousal support, or maintain the established parenting time schedule.
- Other changes. Other conditions that could necessitate modification include: college, a child turning 18, relocation of a parent out-of-state (removal) or change in a child’s medical or educational needs.
Like the original determination, the modification of a child custody, child support or spousal support order is very fact-driven. Depending on the specific situation, we work closely with every one of our clients to identify those factors that best favor — or fight against — the modification of these orders and provide a realistic assessment of likely outcomes.
During times of transition in life, count on our attorney Jennifer A. Pritz , for sound legal guidance with an empathetic approach. Contact us or call our office directly at 708-459-8234 for a free initial consultation to discuss your family law concerns.
Practice Areas
Contact Us
The Law Office of Jennifer A. Pritz
1006 Monroe Ave.
River Forest, IL 60305-1426
River Forest Office