Child Custody
Experienced Child Custody Attorney in Chicago, Illinois
One of the most difficult and painful issues associated with divorce or a parentage case is child custody. Divorce or an unresolved parentage case can be a traumatic time for the children as well: children whose parents are going through a divorce may not understand the reasons for the divorce and may have difficulty communicating how they feel. Children of non-married parents need understanding as well. As a mother of four, I am sensitive to the emotional aspects of divorce and parentage cases where children are involved. I work closely with my clients, striving to minimize the impact the litigation has on the children.
I work with men and women involved in a divorce or parentage case to develop a child custody and parenting plan that fully considers the needs of the parents, the needs of the children, parents’ schedules, living arrangements and location of residences. Contact my office at The Law Offices of Jennifer A. Pritz at 708-459-8234 for a free, confidential initial consultation.
Two Key Considerations
In Illinois, “child custody”- now allocation of parental responsibilities -involves two distinct determinations:
- Joint or sole allocation (custody): Joint or sole allocation grants the parent(s) the right to make decisions about the upbringing of a child. This includes decisions about the child’s general welfare, including decisions about health care, education, religion and extracurricular activities.
- Parenting Time: Parenting time refers to the amount of parenting time granted to each parent, including the right to have the child live primarily with one parent or the other and therefore the right of the child to attend school in that parent’s district.
Custody determinations and parenting time (visitation) schedules are typically established through a parenting agreement developed as part of the divorce or parentage case process. These agreements address general guidelines, regular parenting time, vacation time, holiday time, travel and overnight guidelines, contact information and a mediation clause in case of future issues.
The Best Interests of the Child
When divorce or a parentage case involves a battle over custody, children may feel stressed and traumatized. In developing a custody and parenting time (visitation) plan, I keep the best interests of the child in mind while aiming to protect your rights as a parent. While there is no way to completely avoid the impact of litigation on children, I nonetheless strive to do so.
Contact my office online or call 708-459-8234 to schedule a free initial consultation . Office hours are by appointment. Evening and weekend appointments are available
Practice Areas
Contact Us
The Law Office of Jennifer A. Pritz
1006 Monroe Ave.
River Forest, IL 60305-1426
River Forest Office